May peace and grace find its skin this coming season
Dear friends,
"May peace and grace find its skin this coming season."
That's the last sentence I wrote in the last letter I sent to this particular group of folks following the release of my first book . . . nearly three years ago!
Since then, so much has happened in the world, in my life, and surely in your lives, as well.
For everything there is a season, and right now many of us feel desperate for this particular season to end. I don't know when things will end, and to be honest, I quit putting much stock in the End of All Things a long time ago. More often than not, there are no abrupt endings. Seasons change, often slowly. Unless you VanWinkle a hardcore nap regimen, you never get to skip over a sequence of days. You live through it. You don't get a pass; you pass through it.
As we pass through this season, I hope we can find ways to pass through it together. It seems hard to connect right now. One way I connect is through shared language, either through the poems, stories, reflections, or songs of others, or by sharing some of my own.
Starting next Wednesday, I plan to send a weekly letter through this email list. Each week I will share an essay, reflection, poem, or song with you -- and I hope you will take this as an invitation to write back to me and participate in some old-fashioned correspondence.
If you don't want one more email filling your cluttered inbox, feel free to click "Unsubscribe" below. If you know anyone who might want to receive these letters, please forward and let them know I am excited to build a better habit of connecting with more folks through this shared language of ours.
To end where I began again: May peace and grace find its skin this coming season.
Andrew Johnson