Hi there!
It’s mid-summer. It’s hot and humid in KC. The will to do the most basic things has gone stagnant. Like a puddle or a pond, a will that ceases to move begins to stink. It attracts flies. Soon enough, a stagnant will is metaphorically pocked with fly poo.
Enough of that image. Gross. Anyway, the point is: I hereby welcome your help in shaking my writing will back into movement.
For the rest of the summer, my weekly Thread offering will be something I write in response to prompts, questions, or writing assignments sent by YOU!
If you have a topic you want me to write about, if you have a question you’re dying to ask me, if you have a ridiculous prompt for a story or poem (“Write a sonnet about a bonnet with a raw nit on it” or “Tell about a time you stole something”), please reply to this email and share your ideas.
This sounds like a fun way to move The Thread through the dog days, doesn’t it? I can’t wait to see what we come up with.
Peace and grace and cool cool water,
That’s a great idea!
Great idea. Here's a prompt. Go to a museum, any museum (Nelson, Kemper, KC Museum, Negro Leagues Baseball Museum, Toy and Miniature Museum, your choice!), and write a poem about a particular piece or exhibit. Include a photo with your Thread post!